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Cell Voyager CQ1

Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer

High Content Screening 및 Cell Painting 활용분야에 최적화 장비

  • 수년 동안 Confocal microscope로 얻은 선명한 3D 영상은 세포생물학 연구분야에 비약적인 발전을 가져 왔으며, 이제 이러한 영상 기술은 High Content Screening과 같은 집단 분석기술과 결합하여 Cytometry 연구분야에 또 하나의 강력한 도구가 되고 있습니다.
  • Yokogawa의 CQ1은 선명한 3D 영상으로 live cell 및 cell cluster의 신속한 정량화를 지원합니다. 이러한 영상 데이터는 이해를 돕고 결과의 신뢰성을 향상시킵니다.
  • CQ1는 all-in-one confocal microscope 로서 Yokogawa 고유의 세포 친화적인 영상 기술을 접목하였으며, 고성능 stage incubator가 장착되어 장시간 live imaging이 가능합니다.

Confocal Scanning Unit

원천 특허된 ‘Microlens enhanced Dual Spinning Disk’ 기술을 적용하여 살아있는 세포를 대상으로 2D, 3D 및 4D의 영상을 구현하는 데 최상의 조건을 제공


Stage Incubator

내부에 stage heater및 장착하여 온도, 습도 등을 조절하여 3D Time-lapse imaging의 적합 환경을 제공


Sample Vessels

다양한 세포 배양 용기 사용이 가능



Light Sources

최대 4개의 laser를 장착하여 형광영상을 획득할 수 있으며, 별도 Bright field imaging 을 위한 광원을 장착하여 Phase contrast 영상을 별도 획득할 수 있음.

Analysis: H2AX focus formation


Histone의 H2AX Ser139의 인산화는 이중 가닥 DNA의 절단에 중요한 증거 중 하나입니다. 이러한 H2AX focus formation 현상을 정량적으로 분석할 수 있습니다. 즉, 고속으로 공초점 영상을 획득하여 Granule Analysis Template 분석 템플릿과 함께 사용하여 쉽게 측정할 수 있습니다


Nuclear translocation


NFκB는 DNA의 유명한 전사인자 중 하나입니다. NFκB는 면역 반응과 염증을 조절하는 데 중요한 역할을 하며 종양치료 및 항염증제 개발의 target으로 주목 받고 있습니다. NFκB는 억제 단백질인 IκB와 함께 세포질에 위치합니다. 신호 전달 경로가 세포막 수용체를 통한 사이토카인 자극에 의해 활성화 되면, IkB의 분리되고 이에 따라서 NFκB는 핵으로 이동하여 특정 DNA 서열과 결합하여 염증을 유도합니다. 이때 핵 및 세포질 내 NFκB 수준은 핵과 세포질 사이의 단백질 수준을 나타냅니다.


Time-lapse Analysis: Apoptosis


HeLa 세포를 96 well plate에 10,000개/웰로 처리한 후, Hoechst 33342 (1µg/ml, 30분, 37°C)로 염색하고 Staurosprorine (0~ 10µM)으로 처리한 후 영상을 획득합니다. Staurosprine 10µM 처리시 핵의 DNA 단편화 영역을 인식할 수 있습니다.


Time-lapse Analysis: ESC colony


Colony의 크기와 개별 cell의 시간 경과에 따른 분석을 통해 Colony formation 형성 상태를 모니터링 할 수 있습니다. CQ1를 이용하면 낮은 광독성 효과로 영상 획득이 가능합니다.


Cell Cycle Analysis: M-phase Inhibitor


CQ1의 multi-color channel 기능을 활용하여 H3Ser10P의 면역 형광과 관련된 세포 주기 분석.

Histone 분자는 세포 주기 진행 중에 인산화되며, histone H3의 10번째 serine 의 인산화는 후기 G2에서 M으로의 진행에서 특징지어지는 사건 중 하나입니다.





Atomic force microscope
팁을 사용하여 표면 형상 측정 및 표면 분석

ico_chk01  도립 현미경과 호환 가능하여 현미경으로 targeting 후 바로 AFM 측정 가능 (호환 가능 현미경 : Zeiss, Nikon, Olympus, Leica )


ico_chk01  다양한 옵션과 사용 중 옵션 추가 가능 (sample heating stage, environmental control option 등)


ico_chk01  Lateral Force Microscopy, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, C-AFM, Scanning Thermal Microscopy 및 Fluid Force Microscopy 등의 고급 옵션 활용 가능


ico_chk01  Air 또는 Liquid 상태 시료 측정 가능


ico_chk01  현미경 하에서 보이는 sample을 대상으로 매우 정확한 압력과 힘으로 제어 가능


ico_chk01  나노미터 스케일의 AFM

Versatility and performance for biology and life science

For success in life science research, scientists depend on professional tools that can readily provide the information needed, regardless of the tasks at hand. By combining key technologies and components, Nanosurf has made the FlexAFM system one of the most versatile and flexible AFM systems ever, allowing a large variety of biological and life science applications to be handled with ease. With the FlexAFM, you can combine the liquid AFM imaging, spectroscopy and nanomanipulation capacity of this system with the high-end optical techniques available for inverted microscopes.


Flexible system design for life science research

FlexAFM comes with manual and motorized stages for seamless integration on Zeiss, Olympus, Nikon and Leica inverted microscopes or with standalone stages. On the inverted microscope, optical and AFM data can be correlated, as shown here for internal limiting membrane (ILM) of the human retina.

combined imaging

(A) Bright field image of isolated ILM in a physiological buffer. (B) Fluorescence image of the same section showing anti-laminin staining. (C) AFM topograph of a subsection of the ILM; also shown as overlay in B. (D) AFM stiffness measurements (stiffness map) of the same subsection. The color for each point represents the local stiffness value as calculated from force curves recorded at the respective positions. (E) Histogram of the stiffness data shown in D. (F) Typical force-displacement curves obtained on the ILM and on the glass substrate. These curves are converted to force-indentation data, which then allows calculation of the stiffness. Stiffness distribution of biological tissues has been shown to be a marker for diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, arthritis and cancer. Data courtesy: Marko Loparic, Marija Plodinec, Philip Oertle, and Paul B. Henrich, Biozentrum/SNI/UHBS, University of Basel, CH.

The modular stage, cantilever holder, and software concept allows an easy upgrade of the system to access many new possibilities in life science and materials research. Flex-FPM for cell and nano-manipulation, for example, and Flex-ANA for automatic nanomechanical analysis. In addition, advanced modes like MFM and KPFM that were originally developed for the Flex-Axiom system, are also available for FlexAFM. For measurements that don’t need optical access from below, e.g. for the imaging and spectroscopy of samples like bacteriorhodopsin, a standalone stage makes the FlexAFM compatible with the Nanosurf Isostage and Acoustic Enclosure 300, and generally makes the system much more compact.

Flex-Bio system with stage

A FlexAFM system with stand-alone stage, isostage, and acoustic enclosure. (B) 2D crystals of bacteriorhodopsin [140 nm scan range]. (C) Power spectrum of B, showing a lateral resolution of well over 1 nm [dashed circle]. (D) Single molecule force spectroscopy of bacteriorhodopsin.

FlexAFM lifescience application examples

Imaging of type I collagen fibrils

Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals and contributes to more than 25% of the whole-body protein content. It is the main structural protein of the extracellular matrix of connective tissues and provides e.g. tendons and bone with their tensile strength. Most of the collagen found in mammals is fibrillar type I collagen. Type I collagen fibrils show a typical periodic morphology, the so-called D-banding. D-bands result from staggered self-assembly of individual collagen molecules into larger fibrils with a periodicity of about 67 nm. Images of collagen fibrils from rat tendon were recorded in Prof. Snedeker’s research group at the ETH Zürich. One of the reasearch areas of Prof. Snedeker is tendon mechanics and biology.

3D AFM topography of several type I collagen fibrils

3D AFM topography of several type I collagen fibrils

AFM topography image of collagen

AFM topography image of type I collagen fibrils

AFM deflection image recorded along with the topography image

AFM deflection image recorded along with the topography image

The 3D representation of the AFM topography image nicely shows the typical periodic D-banding of type I collagen on all fibrils. The colloagen topography was recorded in static mode using a Nanosensors PPP-XYCONTR cantilever. AFM images were processed using Nanosurf Report Software. Preparation and imaging of collagen fibrils was performed by Massimo Bagnani, Prof. Snedeker research group, Uniklinik Balgrist, Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

Measurements on living cultured cells

Mechanobiology is an emerging research area that deals with the effect of changing physical forces or changes in the mechanical properties of cells and tissues. Several diseases, such as fibrosis and atherosclerosis are associated with changes in tissue stiffness. Moreover, in cancer, the metastatic potential of cancer cells depends on their elastic modulus. Here, the elastic modulus of living cells from a human breast basal epithelial cell line was measured using a Nanosurf FlexAFM system with the Flex-ANA software.

Elastic modulus map

Elastic modulus map

Unperturbed cell topography

Unperturbed cell topography from force mapping

The first image shows the elastic modulus (in kPa) recorded on living breast epithelial cells immersed in cell culture medium. Differences in the elastic modulus within the cell can be clearly observed. The dark area surrounding the cells originate from the much stiffer cell culture dish substrate. The second image shows the unperturbed cell topography extracted from the force mapping data. The topography is determined from the contact point of each force curve and thus shows the cell topography at zero applied force.

Elastic modulus mapped to the 3D topography

Elastic modulus mapped to the 3D topography

Elstic modulus distribution

Elstic modulus distribution

Mapping the elastic modulus data to the 3D topography allows relating the information of both channels. The 3D image was generated using Gwyddion software. The last image shows the distribution of the elastic moduli extracted from nanomechanical force mapping experiments. The peak at lower moduli corresponds to the stiffness of the cells. The peak at the right originates from the cell culture substrate and shows much higher elastic moduli. AFM data courtesy of Philipp Oertle, Biozentrum, University Basel.

Single molecule force spectroscopy of bacteriorhodopsin

The force-distance curve below reports the controlled C-terminal unfolding of a single bacteriorhodopsin (BR) membrane protein from its native environment, the purple membrane from Halobacterium salinarium. Solid and dashed orange lines represent the WLC curves corresponding to the major and minor unfolding peaks observed upon unfolding BR, respectively. The contour length of the stretched polypeptides of the major unfolding peaks is given in amino acids (aa).

single molecule force spectroscopy

Single molecule force spectroscopy of bacteriorhodopsin

This data was recorded using a FlexAFM scan head (10-µm; version 3) in combination with the C3000 controller and a cantilever with a nominal spring constant of 0.1 N/m (Uniqprobe, qp-CONT, Nanosensors).

FlexAFM image gallery

Cell-cell adhesion force studied with Flex-FPM
Cell-cell adhesion force studied with Flex-FPM
Nanomechanical analysis of alginate hydrogels
Nanomechanical analysis of alginate hydrogels
AFM imaging of type I collagen fibrils
AFM imaging of type I collagen fibrils
AFM topography of a living HeLa cell
AFM topography of a living HeLa cell
High resolution imaging of the cytoplasmic side of bacteriorhodopsin
High resolution imaging of the cytoplasmic side of bacteriorhodopsin
Living Rat-2 cells
Living Rat-2 cells
Imaging DNA with the AFM
Imaging DNA with the AFM
Tissue samples
Tissue samples
Dynamic mode AFM of human hair
Dynamic mode AFM of human hair
AFM for dental implants
AFM for dental implants
AFM image of butterfly wings
AFM image of butterfly wings

The most flexible atomic force microscope for materials research

For success in materials research studies, scientists depend on professional tools that can readily provide the information needed, regardless of the tasks at hand. By advancing key technologies and designs, Nanosurf has made the FlexAFM one of the most versatile and flexible AFMs ever, allowing a large variety of materials research applications to be handled with ease. In combination with the powerful C3000i controller, complex material characterizations are possible.

The precision and performance you need for your research

The FlexAFM uses an extremely linear electromagnetic scanner for XY movement. This scanner delivers an average linearity deviation of less than 0.1% over the full scan range, top-ranking on the AFM market. The Z-axis is piezo-driven, with a position sensor that enables closed-loop operation. A sensitive cantilever detection system can measure well into the MHz frequency range. The scan head is connected to the full-featured, 24-bit C3000i controller with digital feedback and 2 dual-channel lock-in amplifiers.

Imaging of single and multiple pyrene nanosheets and height analysis with sub-nanometer accuracy

Imaging of single and multiple pyrene nanosheets and height analysis with sub-nanometer accuracy. Data courtesy: Mykhailo Vybornyi, University of Berne, Switzerland

Topography of SrTiO3 in dynamic mode

Strontium titanate (SrTiO3, STO) is an oxide of titanium and strontium exhibiting a perovskite structure. It has interesting and partly unique material properties. It is used as substrate for growth of oxide-based thin films and high-temperature superconductors. STO forms surfaces that show a layered structure. The thickness of individual layers is in the range of a few Angstrom. Atomic force microscopy is an ideal tool to image and measure these structures.

AFM topography showing steps of strontium titanate

Topography showing steps of strontium titanate; image size 1.1µm

Section profile and height distribution

Section profile and height distribution

The sample clearly shows the typical layer structure STO. Here, the layers are not perfectly smooth, but exhibit residual roughness of approx. 125 pm (RMS). This is caused by a non-ideal termination process during the preparation of this STO sample. The graph shows the profile of the image shown above along a line extending from the top left to the bottom right corner of the imaged area. The profile also clearly shows the layered structure of the sample and reveals step heights of approx. 4 Å. Similarly in the right panel, the height distribution histogram of the image above clearly shows approx. 4 Å-spaced peaks for the different layers of the sample.

Topography and KPFM of CVD grown molybdenum disulfide monolayers

In this application note, monolayer MoS2 grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was imaged with Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) using a FlexAFM to study the contact potential difference variation on a single crystal. Monolayers of MoS2 were grown on a silicon substrate by chemical vapor deposition (Sample courtesy: University of Illinois – Urbana-Champlain). Non-uniformity of the contact potential signal across the monolayer can inform about doping profiles and other surface defects.

MoS2 optical micrograph

MoS2 monolayers optical micrograph

AFM topography MoS2 monolayer

a) AFM topography image of single MoS2 monolayer. Location where profile is taken indicted by red line. b) Height (top) and KPFM voltage (bottom) profile across monolayer

Measurements using the FlexAFM show a step height of 0.6 nm for the MoS2 monolayer. Concurrent KPFM measurements show a 650 mV contact potential difference between the monolayer and the SiO2 substrate.

3D AFM topography overlay MoS2

3D AFM topography overlay MoS2

All measurements were performed using a FlexAFM system equipped with a ANSCM-PA cantilever from AppNano. Images were processed using MountainsMap SPM. For more information contact our application scientists

KPFM and MFM on stainless steel

In the experiment shown below, KPFM and topography data were recorded in a single run using a FlexAFM system. Also see the related MFM application.

KPFM on stainless steel

KPFM overlay on a topography image of stainless steel Scan size: 80 µm x 80 µm Potential range: 200 mV

Topography on stainless steel

The topography image itself Scan size: 80 µm x 80 µm Height range: 50 nm

MFM zoom on stainless steel

MFM image of the same area Scan size: 80 µm x 80 µm Phase range: 10°

FlexAFM image gallery

Magnetic force microscopy of thin permalloy film with stripe domains
Magnetic force microscopy of thin permalloy film with stripe domains
Topography of SrTiO3 in dynamic mode
Topography of SrTiO3 in dynamic mode
 Magnetic force microscopy of digital backup tape
Magnetic force microscopy of digital backup tape
Topography on multilayer graphene
Topography on multilayer graphene
KPFM on multilayer graphene
KPFM on multilayer graphene
Topography of MoS2 monolayer
Topography of MoS2 monolayer
MoS2 monolayer: 3D topography overlaid with KPFM signal
MoS2 monolayer: 3D topography overlaid with KPFM signal
Topography of locally deposited charges on an insulating oxide surface
Topography of locally deposited charges on an insulating oxide surface
KPFM of locally deposited charges on an insulating oxide surface
KPFM of locally deposited charges on an insulating oxide surface
Topography of an integrated circuit structure with multiple transistor contacts
Topography of an integrated circuit structure with multiple transistor contacts
Conductive AFM of an integrated circuit structure with multiple transistor contacts
Conductive AFM of an integrated circuit structure with multiple transistor contacts
Out of plane PFM on Lithium Niobate
Out of plane PFM on Lithium Niobate
Electrostatic force (EFM) measurements on aluminum dots deposited on gold
Electrostatic force (EFM) measurements on aluminum dots deposited on gold
Topography of polished stainless steel
Topography of polished stainless steel
Magnetic force microscopy on polished stainless steel
Magnetic force microscopy on polished stainless steel
KPFM on polished stainless steel
KPFM on polished stainless steel
Nanomechanical analysis of alginate hydrogels
Nanomechanical analysis of alginate hydrogels
Electrochemical AFM with rod-like samples: Cu deposition on a commercial Pt electrode
Electrochemical AFM with rod-like samples: Cu deposition on a commercial Pt electrode
Dynamic mode AFM of pyrene nanosheets
Dynamic mode AFM of pyrene nanosheets
Dynamic mode AFM of polished sapphire
Dynamic mode AFM of polished sapphire
AFM force spectroscopy on a polymer blend
AFM force spectroscopy on a polymer blend
AFM phase image of a polymer blend
AFM phase image of a polymer blend
Topography analysis of ePTFE membrane using AFM
Topography analysis of ePTFE membrane using AFM
Airplane Wing Coating
Airplane Wing Coating
Topography of solar cell layers
Topography of solar cell layers
Screw dislocations in GaN
Screw dislocations in GaN
Dynamic mode AFM on pentacene film on TiO2
Dynamic mode AFM on pentacene film on TiO2
Morphology analysis of paper
Morphology analysis of paper
Contact mode AFM of polished ceramic plate used in dentistry
Contact mode AFM of polished ceramic plate used in dentistry
MFM of bits on a harddisk
MFM of bits on a harddisk
AFM for dental implants
AFM for dental implants
Static force AFM of stainless steel
Static force AFM of stainless steel
FlexAFM 5 scan head specifications with C3000i controller 100-µm scan head 10-µm scan head
Sample size Unlimited without sample stage 100 mm on sample stage
Maximum Petri dish height (fluid level) 9 mm (6 mm)
Manual height adjustment range 6 mm
Motorized approach range (at tip position) 2 mm
Max. scan range (XY) 100 µm1 10 µm1
Max. height range (Z) 10 µm2 3 µm1
XY-linearity mean error < 0.1%
XY-flatness at maximum scan range typ. 5 nm typ. 1 nm
Detector bandwidth DC – 4 MHz
Detector noise level (RMS) typ. 60 pm / max. 100 pm (3, 4)
Z-sensor noise level (RMS) typ. 180 pm / max. 200 pm (3)
Z-measurement noise level (RMS, static mode in air) typ. 100 pm / max. 200 pm
Z-measurement noise level (RMS, dynamic mode in air) typ. 35 pm / max. 50 pm
Scan head dimensions 413 x 158 x 53 mm
Scan head weight 1.25 kg
(1) Manufacturing tolerances ± 5%

(2) Manufacturing tolerances ± 10%

(3) Measured at 2 kHz

(4) Measured with XYContr cantilever


Alphacen 300


  • 고사양의 AFM 으로 Bio-field , Material field 등 다양한 분야에서 사용할 수 있는 주사탐침현미경.
  • 탐침이 직접 표면을 분석하기 때문에 시료의 전처리가 필요 없어 신속한 측정이 가능함.

ico_chk01  Clean Drive
기존 Piezo shaker 대신 열을 이용한 excitation 기술로 ultra low noise 실현

ico_chk01 Direct drive
Tip scanning 방식으로 샘플의 종류와 무게가 실험에 끼칠 수 있는 영향을 최소화

ico_chk01 도립현미경과 호환 가능
현미경을 사용해 타겟팅 한 후 해당 부분을 바로 측정할 수 있음.

ico_chk01 다양한 mechanical properties 제공
LFM, KPFM, PFM 등의 고급 실험을 진행할 수 있으며 roughness, force spectroscopy 등 시료에서 다양한 mechanical properties를 얻을 수 있음.

ico_chk01 다양한 옵션 제공
Heating, Cooling, 환경제어 등의 옵션이 있어 온도에 민감하거나 특정 온도에서 측정해야한다면, 해당 기능을 추가해 사용할 수 있음.

DriveAFM scan head features
Stand-alone tip scanning AFM scan head
Direct drive XYZ piezo flexure scanner
Easy accommodation of the largest variety of different samples and sample holders without restrictions to size, geometry and weight
Open/closed loop operations for XYZ axis 
Interference-free SLD for beam deflection detection
Photothermal drive of the cantilever for clean and stable excitation
Compatible with small cantilevers: as small as 10 µm width
Compatible with most inverted microscopes (Zeiss, Nikon, Olympus, Leica)
Fully motorized alignment of the photodetector and the light sources
Maximum Petri dish height of 13 mm


DriveAFM scan head specifications
Scan size typ. 100 µm x 100 µm x 20 µm

min. 95 µm x 95 µm x 18 µm

Read-out light source 850 nm low-coherence SLD
CleanDrive light source 785 nm laser
Photodetector bandwidth ≥8 MHz
Standard / Maximum sample size 100 mm / 150 mm
Z-height noise dynamic <30 pm (RMS)
Z-height noise static <30 pm (RMS)
DC detector noise <5 pm (RMS, 0.1 Hz – 1 kHz)
AC detector noise <25 fm/√Hz above 100 kHz
Approach 10 mm motorized, paralle

*measured with a USC-F1.2-k7.3 cantilever


CX Controller specifications
High resolution outputs(DAC) 12x 28 bit, 1 MHz/sampling; thereof 4x user DAC (optional)
Fast outputs (DAC) 4x 16 bit, 100 MHz/sampling; thereof 1x user DAC (optional)
High resolution inputs (ADC) 12x 20 bit, 1 MHz/sampling; thereof 4x user ADC (optional)
Fast inputs (ADC) 3x 16 bit, 100 MHz/sampling; thereof 1x user ADC (optional)
Signal analyzers 2 signal analyzer function blocks that can be configured as dual channel lock-in
FPGA module and embedded processor System-on-chip module with low-latency FPGA signal processing at 100MHz and dual-core ARM processor, 2GB RAM, 1.5GHz clock
Scan control 28-bit X/Y/Z-DAC
Detector inputs Deflection/lateral signals each 20 bit
Digital sync, Spike-Guard 2-bit line/frame sync out 5 V/TTL galvanically isolated, Spike-Guard input
Clock sync 10MHz/3V clock input to synchronize data acquisition and processing
Communication to PC Gigabit Ethernet, galvanically isolated


System functionality
tandard imaging modes Static force, dynamic force, phase contrast, MFM, friction force, force modulation, EFM
dvanced imaging modes (optional) PFM, KPFM, 2nd lock-in amplifier, advanced dual pass, C-AFM
maging functions Up to 8000×8000 data points X/Y sample slope correction
Standard spectroscopy modes Force–distance, amplitude–distance, phase– distance
Spectroscopy functions Setup wizard for each spectroscopy mode XY-position table: point, line, and grid
Standard lithography modes Free vector objects drawing or real-time drawing by mouse

Tip lift or force control during movement from point to point

Sample approach Fast home, retract, and advance movement

Alphacen 300

Alphacen 300

Alphacen 300

  • 주사탐침현미경과 탐침이 직접 표면을 분석하여, 시료 전처리 없이 신속한 측정이 가능한 고사양 AFM
  • Industrial field, Material field 등 다양한 분야에서 사용 가능

ico_chk01 Large Size 샘플 측정
반도체 wafer, Glass, 금속 등 Large size 사이즈가 크고 무거운 샘플 측정 가능 : 최대 300mm x 300mm, 45kg

ico_chk01 Tip scanner 방식
Sample scanner 가 아닌 tip scanner 방식으로 샘플의 종류, 크기, 무게가 실험에 끼칠수 있는 영향 최소화.

ico_chk01 다양한 mechanical properties 제공
LFM, KPFM, PFM 등의 고급 실험을 진행할 수 있으며 roughness, force spectroscopy 등 시료에서 다양한 mechanical properties 를 얻을 수 있음.

Scan head type Tip scanner
Max. scan range (XY) 100 µm(1)
Max. Z-range 10 µm(1)
XY linearity mean error < 0.1%
XY flatness at max. scan range typ. 5 nm
Z-sensor noise-level (RMS) typ. 150 pm / max. 200 pm
Z-measurement noise level
(RMS, static mode in air)
typ. 100 pm / max. 200 pm
Z-sensor noise level
(RMS, dynamic mode in air)
typ. 25 pm / max. 35 pm
Optical detection light source 850 nm low coherence SLD
DC Detector noise < 10 pm RMS (0.1 Hz to 1 kHz)
AC Detector noise < 60 fm Hz-1/2 above 100 kHz
Detector bandwidth DC to 4 MHz
(1) Manufacturing tolerances ± 10%
Top view field of view 5 MP, 1.5 mm x 1.1 mm
Side view field of view 5 MP, 3.2 mm x 3.2 mm
Max. sample size 300 mm x 300 mm x 45 mm
Max. sample weight 40 kg
Vacuum chuck for 4’’ / 6’’ / 8’’ / 12’’ wafers
Motorized XY travel range 300 mm x 300 mm
Motorized approach range 50 mm
System dimensions 1008 mm x 1887 mm x 1208 mm (fits through 800 mm door prior to assembling the acoustic enclosure)
System weight 833 kg
Stage XY resolution < 1 µm
Unilateral repositioning accuracy 2 µm
Acoustic isolation ~30 dB above 250 Hz
Vibration isolation Active vibration isolation
High resolution outputs (DAC) 12x 28 bit, 1 MHz/sampling; thereof 4x user DAC, ±10V/3dB@200kHz
Fast outputs (DAC) 4x 16 bit, 100 MHz/sampling; thereof 1x user DAC, ±1V/3dB@10MHz
High resolution inputs (ADC) 10x 20 bit, 1 MHz/sampling; thereof 4x user ADC, ±10V/3dB@200kHz
Fast inputs (ADC) 3x 16 bit, 100 MHz/sampling; thereof 1x user ADC, ±1V/3dB@10MHz
Signal analyzer 2 signal analyzer function blocks that can be configured as dual channel lock-in
FPGA module and embedded processor System-on-chip module with low-latency FPGA signal processing at 100MHz and dual-core ARM processor, 2GB RAM, 1.5GHz clock
Scan control 28Bit X/Y/Z-DAC with ±10V/3dB@200kHz
Detector inputs Deflection/lateral signals each 16 bit/3dB@10MHz and 28 bit/3dB@200kHz
Digital sync, Spike-Guard 2-bit line/frame sync out 5 V/TTL galvanically isolated, Spike-Guard input
Clock sync 10MHz/3V clock input to synchronize data acquisition and processing
Communication to PC Gigabit Ethernet, galvanically isolated
Width min. 20 μm
Length min. 40 μm
Reflective coating Reflective coating recommended
Liquid measurements Yes, with gold coating
Alignment grooves Required by default
Special cantilever holders without alignment grooves are available
Cantilever shape Single rectangular cantilevers and multilever cantilevers (depending on scan head version and cantilever holder)
Chip thickness 300 μm, 500 μm or 600 μm depending on cantilever holder

[Brochure] Nanosurf Alphacen 300




새로운 개념의 Kinetic Cytometer로 HCS 분야에 활용할 수 있습니다




Phasefocus (영국)는 Ptychographic Quantitative Phase Imaging 기술을 적용한 LivecyteTM 라는 새로운 개념의 kinetic cytomer를 개발하였습니다. 이 영상 장비는 낮은 수준의 조명으로도 상대적인 위상차 정보를 획득하여 높은 콘트라스트의 선명한 이미지를 얻을 수 있습니다. 따라서 실험 대상인 각 세포의 형태 및 움직임의 특성으로 식별하고 특성하며, 이를 토대로 정량적인 분석으로 살아 있는 세포에 대한 정확한 정보를 제공합니다.

ico_chk01  표지하지 않은 상대로 풍부한 정보를 갖은 높은 콘트라스트의 이미지 획득
ico_chk01  확실하고 선명한 세포간의 구분
ico_chk01  모든 세포, 모든 프레임에서 세포를 자동 추적
ico_chk01  세포의 움직임에 대하여 다양한 파라미터로 확인

  • Automated Segmentation of Every Cell
  • Full Spatiotemporal Correlation
  • Automated Segmentation of Every Cell
  • Smart cell Tracking
  • Smart Incubation – Full Environmental Control
  • Long Term Imaging High Resolution Large Field of View
  • Application-specific Dashboards


Livecyte 전용 프로그램은 다양한 변수의 정보가 포함된 다중 패널 비디오를 단일 Dashboard로 볼 수 있으며, 출판 가능한 수준의 출력물을 제공합니다.

한 번의 실험으로 다양한 변수로 시간 경과에 따른 세포의 움직임을 측정하여 포괄적인 프로파일을 얻을 수 있습니다.  예를 들어 Motility Dashboard로는 ① 다중패널 비디오, ② 세포의 수, ③ 세포의 융합여부,  ④ 구불구불한 정도,  ⑤ 속도, ⑥ 방향성, ⑦ 평균 속도, 및  ⑧ 변위 정도 를 확인 할 수 있습니다.

ico_chk01  Cell Proliferation and Growth

Single cell 수준에서 세포의 증식 및 성장을 자동으로 측정

ico_chk01  Wound Healing Assay

기존의 측정과는 다른 차원의 세포 이동을 측정 분석

ico_chk01  Oncology

모든 세포의 형태와 움직임을 자동으로 측정 분석

ico_chk01  Toxicology

건조 질량을 모니터링하여 생존 가능성 및 세포 사망 여부를 자동으로 판단

ico_chk01  Angiogenesis

튜브의 길이, 형성 상태, 직경 등을 자동의 분석

ico_chk01  Stem Cell

세포 분화 영상화 및 정량화 정보 수집