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Inflammation 서비스

화합물의 Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative activity 스크리닝 서비스


Eurofins Discovery

| Eurofins DiscoverX(Eurofins Discovery) 공식 대리점  



Oxidative stress(산화성 스트레스)가 여러 질병에서 중요한 요소로 작용하는 만큼, 항산화제들은 Atherosclerosis (동맥경화증), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD; 만성폐쇄성폐질환), Alzheimer’s Disease (알츠하이머병), 그리고 암과 같은 질병의 치료제로서의 Potential을 보여주고 있습니다.

Arachidonic Acid (AA) Metabolic Enzyme, Nitric Oxide (NO) Synthase, Peroxidase, Xanthine Oxidase, 등의 타겟이 포함된 16개의 Enzymatic assays로 구성되어, 화합물의 anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative activity에 대한 스크리닝이 가능합니다.


서비스 종류 및 샘플 준비 방법

서비스 유형 InflamEnzyme LeadHunter Panel
Assay Type Biochemical Enzymatic Assay
실험농도 선택 가능
농도 개수 선택 가능
반복실험횟수 Duplicate
Sample Volume 10 mM stock으로 100 μL OR 1 mg powder
TAT 10 Business Days
서비스 장소 Taipei, Taiwan


서비스 상세

Family Organism Assay Name
CYP450 Human Thromboxane Synthase Human CYP450 Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Guinea Pig Leukotriene C4 Synthase Guinea Pig Leukotriene Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Pig PLA2 (Group I, Non-Selective) Pig Phospholipase A2 Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Snake PLA2 (Group II, Non-Selective) Snake Phospholipase A2 Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Free Radical Scavenger Synthetic Free Radical Scavenger Synthetic ABTS Radical Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Free Radical Scavenger Synthetic Free Radical Scavenger Synthetic DPPH Radical Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Free Radical Scavenger Bovine Free Radical Scavenger Bovine SOD Mimetic Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Oxidoreductase Bovine Xanthine Oxidase Bovine Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Human PLA2 (Group V, Non-Selective) Human Phospholipase A2 Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Nitrogen Metabolism Mouse iNOS Mouse Nitric Oxide Synthase Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Human LTA4 Hydrolase Human Leukotriene Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Bacteria PLC (Non-Selective) Bacteria Phospholipase C Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Human COX1 Human Cyclooxygenase Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Human COX2 Human Cyclooxygenase Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Human 5-LO Human Lipoxygenase Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay
Lipid Metabolism Human 15-LOX-2 Human Lipoxygenase Enzymatic LeadHunter Assay


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Chemokine LeadHunter Panel

Chemokine receptor를 타겟으로 약물의 Agonist/Antagonist적인 효능을 확인할 수 있는 서비스로, 36개의 실험으로 구성된 Panel입니다.


Related Product: Cytokine Receptor Assay Product

Ligand-inducing으로 인한 Cytokine receptor activity를 Dimerization, IkB degradation, SH2 Recruitment 등의 Activity를 통해서 측정할 수 있는 제품으로, 계대 배양이 가능한 Stable cell line과 단회성으로 사용이 가능한 Kit 제품인 Bioassay Kit, eXpress Kit가 있습니다. 재현성과 민감도가 뛰어나 스크리닝, QC 목적 등으로 사용이 가능합니다.



Analyze Multiple Interleukin Receptor Families with Highly Specific Assays


Accurately Measure Receptor Activation with Highly Reproducable Bioassays for QC Lot Release



[자연과학] Eurofins DX_Cytokine Receptor Assay_List

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