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VISQUE InVivo Smart-LF

VISQUE InVivo Smart-LF

동식물 실시간 형광 및 발광 신호 분석 시스템

컴팩트한 디자인에 경제적인 가격까지 갖춘 실시간 동식물 형광/ 발광 신호 분석 시스템!

한 번에 mouse 3마리까지 single-frame, time-lapse 촬영 가능한 이미징 장비!

viseuq_01 visque_02

ico_chk01 형광/발광 신호 분석시스템

A. 가시광에서 근적외선 영역까지 다파장 형광 및 발광 신호 촬영 (500~860nm)
B. 고속 촬영 : 최대 37fps 촬영

ico_chk01 고감도 이미지 촬영

A. Cooled scientific CMOS 카메라 사용
B. 최대 94% (@ 550nm) 의 높은 양자 효율 (Quantum Efficiency), QE 제공
C. 이미지 센서의 온도를 주변 온도보다 최대 -50℃로 낮춰 노이즈 없는 고감도 영상 촬영
D. 매우 약한 신호까지 정량 가능

ico_chk01 영상 분석 전문 소프트웨어 탑재

A. 빠르고 편리한 분석툴 제공

– 원클릭 분석: 신호 밝기 자동 표기, 다양한 모양의 ROI 툴
– 영상 분석: 자가형광 제거, 다파장 형광/발광 신호 결합
– 레포트 제공: 영상, ROI, 촬영 조건, 신호 크기, 메모 정보 제공

B. 간편한 데이터 재분석 및 수정툴 제공

– cif 전용 파일로 분석 데이터 저장하여 재분석 편리

C. 실시간 영상 촬영 및 동역학 (Kinetics) 분석툴 제공

– 초당 37장 촬영, 비디오 파일로 영상 저장
– 10가지 이상의 동역학 분석 알고리즘 제공
– 약물 동역학, 심혈관계 연구 등에 적용

ico_chk01 GFP 계열부터 NIR 대역 파장까지 형광신호 검출

Imaging-Filter Imaging-Light Excitation (㎚) Emission (㎚) Fluorescent Dyes
GFP Blue 390 – 490 500 – 550 GFP / EGFP / Alexa 488 / FITC / QD 525
PE Green 530 – 570 575 – 640 RFP / DsRed / PE / Alexa 568 / TRITC / QD 585 / QD 605 / QD 625
Cy5.5 Red / HyperRed 620 – 650

630 – 680

690 – 740 Cy5.5 / PKE680 / Alexa 680 / Alexa 700 /

HyperRed 630 – 680 QD 705

ICG NIR 740 – 790 810 – 860 ICG / QD 800

ico_chk01 HD급 줌 렌즈

ico_chk01 고성능 LED 광원

ico_chk01 Kinetics 분석 가능

ico_chk01 최상급 하드코팅 필터

  • 고형암, 전이암 위치 추적 및 치료제 효능 평가
  • 혈관계, 림프계 기능 평가 및 치료제 효능 평가
  • 관절 치료제 효능 평가
  • 타깃 물질의 체내 전달 과정 추적


[Application Note]

VISQUE InVivo imaging system 을 이용한 Pharmacokinetics 및 Biodistribution 분석

형광 영상 촬영 기법을 이용하여 이제는 소동물에 주입된 세포, 항체, 엑소좀, 신약후보물질 등의 real-time Biodistribution 과 kinetics 를 분석할 수 있습니다.

실험 방법

Exosome에 ICG를 결합하여 10주 된 Nude mouse(BALB/cAJcl-nu/nu)의 미정맥에 정맥주사(intravenous injection)하여 Time-laps 촬영을 하였습니다.

실험 결과

단순 ICG는 미정맥 주사 후, 수 초 이내에는 혈관으로 circulation 하여 수분 이내에 간, 소장 등 각 장기로 순차적으로 이동하며, 약 15분 이후가 되면 방광에 모이게 됩니다. ICG 는 몸 안에서 반감기가 아주 짧아서 주입 후 약 30분 정도가 지나면 방광 이외에는 다른 장기에는 거의 남아있지 않습니다. 반면에 단순 ICG 분자가 아닌 ICG-tagging probe complex 를 연구자가 제작해서 혈관 내로 주입할 경우, tagging probe 가 특정 분자에 binding 했다면 주입 후 30분이 지나도 blood circulation으로 washout 되지 않고 목표 지점에 남아 있게 됩니다.


VISQUE InVivo imaging system을 이용한
brain blood flow imaging 및 real-time image 분석

VISQUE 의 전용 소프트웨어인 Clevue를 이용하여 형광물질이 지난 혈관의 맵을 만들고, 혈류량, 혈류 속도 등을 실시간으로 촬영하고 분석할 수 있게 되었습니다. 노화, 치매 등 혈관과 관련된 연구에 in-vivo 이미징 기법을 적용해 볼 수 있습니다.

실험 방법

ICR mouse 의 MCAO (중간대뇌동맥결찰) 수술 1일 후, ICG 를 미정맥 주입하고 실시간 촬영한 영상입니다.

실험 결과

Mouse 두개골을 제거하지 않은 상태로 brain 혈관에 따른 혈류의 속도와 혈류량을 분석할 수 있습니다. 손상된 뇌혈관이 특정 조치에 따라 시간이 지나 회복되는 것을 관찰할 수 있습니다.










VISQUE 장비의 전용 뷰어 소프트웨어, VISQUE CleVueTM

Automatic Signal Window: 촬영영상으로부터 적합한 신호 윈도우 레벨을 자동으로 선택, pseudo-color image 제시
Merged Image : 형광/발광의 신호 이미지와 형상 이미지를 융합(merge)하여 제시
Image Analysis at a time: 최대 4개 영상까지 한 화면에서 비교, 최대 10개 영상까지 동시에 분석 가능
Kinetic Analysis : 최대 24 fps의 고속 촬영으로 획득한 시계열 영상(Time-lapse images)들을 이용해 정확하고 상세한 동역학(Kinetics) 분석

*Kinetic Analysis 기능
연구자들의 요구를 반영하여 자주 사용하는 동역학 분석 기능을 편리하게 구현
– 시간열 영상 (time-lapse images) 최대 1000 장까지 Kinetics 분석 가능
– 쉽고 다양한 Kinetics 분석 지원
– 다양한 ROI 기능: 해부학적 구조(ex. 혈관, 조직)에 일치하도록 ROI 설정 가능, 다수의 ROI 값 동시 확인 및 엑셀 포맷으로 저장
– MTT (Mean Transit Time), BFI (Blood Flow Index) 등의 대표적인 관류 분석 지표들을 포함한 다양한 분석 알고리즘을 자동 계산




Specifications VisqueTM InVivo Smart LF
Application In Vivo Imaging, Bioluminescence, Fluorescence, Real-time Imaging
Weight and Dimension About 22 ㎏ (48.5 lb), 40 ㎝ × 40 ㎝ × 57 ㎝
Camera Sensor 1.2″ Backside Illuminated sCMOS
Cooling – 50℃ below ambient temperature, Thermoelectric Peltier Cooling
Resolution (H × V) 1824 × 1824
Pixel Size 6.5 ㎛ × 6.5 ㎛
Exposure Time 25 ㎳ – 15 min
Maximum Frame Rate 37 fps
Digital Output 16 bit
Binning 1 × 1, 2 × 2, 4 × 4
Light Source LED
Fluorescence Filter Up to 9 (optional)
Control Motorized Iris / Zoom / Focus
Zoom (Field of View, H × V) 15 ㎝ × 15 ㎝ (1×) – 5 ㎝ × 5 ㎝ (3×)
Image Acquisition Mode Single-frame, Accumulation, Time-lapse
Supported File Format cif (exclusive file format), tif, bmp, jpg, png
Kinetic Analysis Dynamics graph and 10 kinds of algorithms for kinetic analysis
Image Analysis Autofluorescence removal, Spectral unmixing, Merge of multi-spectral images
Stage Type Sliding stage, up to 3 mice
Optional Accessory Heating Stage, Anesthesia Ventilator Adaptor

# Title Journal Date
1 Red-Emitting SBBF (Single-Benzene-Based Fluorophore)-Silica Hybrid Material: One-Pot Synthesis, Characterization, and Biomedical Applications Nano materials 2021
2 Monitoring radiofrequency therapy-induced tumor cell dissemination by in vivo flow cytometry Cytomery Park A 2021
3 Duplex metal co-doped carbon quantum dots-based drug delivery system with intelligent adjustable size as adjuvant for synergistic cancer therapy Carbon 2021
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6 CKAP4 Antibody-Conjugated Si Quantum Dot Micelles for Targeted Imaging of Lung Cancer Nanoscale Research Letters 2021
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8 Lung-selective 25-hydroxycholesterol nanotherapeutics as a suppressor of COVID-19-associated cytokine storm Nanotoday 2021
9 Phenylboronic-acid-based nanocomplex as a feasible delivery platform of immune checkpoint inhibitor for potent cancer immunotherapy Journal of Controlled Release 2021
10 Artificially engineered antiferromagnetic nanoprobes for ultra-sensitive histopathological level magnetic resonance imaging Nature Communications 2021
11 Effective and safe delivery of GLP-1AR and FGF-21 plasmids using amino-functionalized dual-mesoporous silica nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo Biomaterials 2021
12 RNA interference-mediated suppression of TNF-α converting enzyme as an alternative anti-TNF-α therapy for rheumatoid arthritis Journal of Controlled Release 2021
13 Development of combination adjuvant for efficient T cell and antibody response induction against protein antigen PLOS ONE 2021
14 Down-regulation of TNF-α via macrophage-targeted RNAi system for the treatment of acute inflammatory sepsis Journal of Controlled Release 2021
15 Characterization of adipose-derived stromal/stem cell spheroids versus single-cell suspension in cell survival and arrest of osteoarthritis progression Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2021
16 Fenton-like reaction, glutathione reduction, and photothermal ablation-built-in hydrogels crosslinked by cupric sulfate for loco-regional cancer therapy Biomaterials Science 2021
17 Human Glioblastoma Visualization: Triple Receptor-Targeting Fluorescent Complex of Dye, SIWV Tetra-Peptide, and Serum Albumin Protein ACS Sensors 2021
18 A Deep Dive: SIWV Tetra-Peptide Enhancing the Penetration of Nanotherapeutics into the Glioblastoma ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2021
19 Dual-labeled prostate-specific membrane antigen(PSMA)-targeting agent for preoperative molecular imagingand fluorescence-guided surgery for prostate cancer Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 2021
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21 Enzyme-Loaded pH-Sensitive Photothermal Hydrogels for Mild-temperature-mediated Combinational Cancer Therapy Frontiers in Chemistry 2021
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23 Optically activatable photosynthetic bacteria-based highly tumor specific immunotheranostics Nano today 2021
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26 Molecular Design of Conjugated Small Molecule Nanoparticles for Synergistically Enhanced PTT/PDT Nano-Micro Letters 2020
27 A molecular approach to rationally constructing specific fluorogenic substrates for the detection of acetylcholinesterase activity in live cells, mice brains and tissues Chemical Science 2020
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29 Supramolecular Container-Mediated Surface Engineering Approach for Regulating the Biological Targeting Effect of Nanoparticles Nano Letters 2020
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31 Neutrophil-like Cell-Membrane-Coated Nanozyme Therapy for Ischemic Brain Damage and Long-Term Neurological Functional Recovery ACS Nano 2020
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33 Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Polymerized Anionic Corona on Gold Nanoparticles for Anti-Cancer Therapy Pharmaceutics 2020
34 Selenium and dopamine-crosslinked hyaluronic acid hydrogel for chemophotothermal cancer therapy Journal of Controlled Release 2020
35 Penta-fluorophenol: A Smiles rearrangement-inspired cysteine-selective fluorescent probe for imaging of human glioblastoma Chemical Science 2020
36 Heme Oxygenase 1‐Targeted Hybrid Nanoparticle for Chemo‐ and Immuno‐Combination Therapy in Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Advanced Science 2020
37 Detecting Cysteine in Bioimaging with a Near‐Infrared Probe Based on a Novel Fluorescence Quenching Mechanism ChemBioChem 2020
38 Discovery of a Monoiodo Aza-BODIPY Near-Infrared Photosensitizer: in vitro and in vivo Evaluation for Photodynamic Therapy Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2020
39 In Vivo Imaging of Senescent Vascular Cells in Atherosclerotic Mice Using a β-Galactosidase-Activatable Nanoprobe Analytical Chemistry 2020
40 A nanoscale photothermal agent based on a metal-organic coordination polymer as a drug-loading framework for effective combination therapy Acta Biomaterialia 2019
41 Conjugation of prostate cancer-specific aptamers to polyethylene glycol-grafted polyethylenimine for enhanced gene delivery to prostate cancer cells Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2019
42 Targeted delivery of CRISPR interference system against Fabp4 to white adipocytes ameliorates obesity, inflammation, hepatic steatosis, and insulin resistance Genome Research 2019
43 Osteogenesis and angiogenesis are simultaneously enhanced in BMP2-/VEGF-transfected adipose stem cells through activation of the YAP/TAZ signaling pathway. Biomaterials Science 2019
44 Biodegradable Mesoporous Silica Achieved via Carbon Nanodots-Incorporated Framework Swelling for Debris-Mediated Photothermal Synergistic Immunotherapy Nano Letters 2019
45 Blood flow characteristics of diabetic patients with complications detected by optical measurement BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2018
46 Optical measurement of mouse strain differences in cerebral blood flow using indocyanine green Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 2015
47 Use of indocyanine green for optical analysis of cortical infarcts in photothrombotic ischemic brains Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2015
48 Age-related changes in pial arterial structure and blood flow in mice Neurobiology of Aging 2015
49 Exendin-4 protects hindlimb ischemic injury by inducing angiogenesis Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2015
50 Application of dynamic indocyanine green perfusion imaging for evaluation of vasoactive effect of acupuncture: a preliminary follow-up study on normal healthy volunteers Medical Devices: Evidence and Research 2014
51 Noninvasive Optical Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow in Mice Using Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Indocyanine Green PLOS ONE 2012
52 Segmental analysis of indocyanine green pharmacokinetics for the reliable diagnosis of functional vascular insufficiency Journal of Biomedical Optics 2011
53 Dynamic fluorescence imaging for multiparametric measurement of tumor vasculature Journal of Biomedical Optics 2011
54 Assessment of peripheral tissue perfusion by optical dynamic fluorescence imaging and nonlinear regression modeling Proceedings of SPIE 2010
55 Unsorted human adipose tissue-derived stem cells promote angiogenesis and myogenesis in murine ischemic hindlimb model Microvascular Research 2010
56 Dynamic fluorescence imaging of indocyanine green for reliable and sensitive diagnosis of peripheral vascular insufficiency Microvascular Research 2010
57 Application of novel dynamic optical imaging for evaluation of peripheral tissue perfusion International Journal of Cardiology 2010
58 Efficient differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into functional CD34 progenitor cells by combined modulation of the MEK/ERK and BMP4 signaling pathways BLOOD 2010
59 Quantitative Analysis of Peripheral Tissue Perfusion Using Spatiotemporal Molecular Dynamics PLOS ONE 2009